In the last Blog, we provided on what ‘Conversational Artificial Intelligence’ or Conversational AI, and at this juncture, we are going to practically illustrate its application to Bed and Breakfast operators. Once these practicalities are clearly illustrated the natural extension will be as follows: Bed and Breakfast operators must adapt to their guests using Conversational AI or it is more than possible that their unadapted business model will not be sustainable over even the medium term! Of course, the readers should exercise their judgment as the contents of all of the Blogs on this site is the opinion of the writer, premised upon years of experience.
Imagine that your guest has already made the reservation at your establishment, and referring to prevoius Blog, that guest would have already received automated messages specific to their reservations. That module, while helpful with creating ‘Unique Experience’ and ‘Value’ is, at best, part of the picture, for the following scenarios may take place before, during, and after the guest has a confirmed reservation:
· ‘I have a <specific beed> of <a particular animal>; will it be allowed at your property, I am not certain, having read the rules you had mentioned?
· ‘I am going to be reaching at <a particular time>, would you be so kind to allow check in at that time?
· ‘If it possible at all, may I check out at <a particular time>, I know it is after the time you had mentioned but am checking if you might be able to accommodate at all?
· ‘Hey, I noticed that the <name of a restaurant> is really close to the B&B, is it any good and would you recommend anything in particular, I am allergic to seafood but nothing else?
· ‘I plan on taking advantage of the lake that is in your area and am thinking if I should enroll in the <name of the activity>, any thoughts will be much appreciated!’
The above questions, and more of such questions, are ‘human-like’- they are the questions that any experienced Bed and Breakfast operator answer on a daily basis! As is the reality for this day and age, your guests are more than likely to ‘hit the chat module’ and ask you these questions, and more! With Conversational AI for your Bed and Breakfast, you have an ‘artificial’ person in charge of answering the frequently asked questions as well as questions that are not freqently asked! The AI algorithm will keep improving in terms of capacity as more and more questions are asked. And, most importantly and also the point that is being made, the Chatbot AI will answer these questions right after they are asked. It is not possible for any operator of Bed and Breakfast to do this, yet instant clarifications is precisely what guests expect of a service-provider.
The Back and Better application includes the Chatbot AI module that serves as the ‘additional member of your staff’, whose primary function is to ensure that each and every one of inquiries sent by your guest is answered immediately as well as answered in the ‘most customer-friendly’ manner!